JUNE 8 & 9, 2020 TRACKS
Immersive Storytelling Keynote
The New Storytelling Craft – Nonlinear, Dynamic, and RealTime
Rachid El Guerrab – Haiba LLC
Technology presents us with exciting ways to create, consume, and interact with media, and traditional storytelling can now evolve to ever more engaging and deeper experiences. However, as a creator, where do you start from, what are the elements of this new craft, what’s challenging, and what’s a distraction.
Personal Profile
Rachid El Guerrab
Founder – Haiba LLC
Rachid El Guerrab is CEO and Founder of ‘Haiba’; a new venture, exploring interactive and immersive storytelling. He was previously Director of Engineering at Google and Executive Producer and Project Lead for Google’s award-winning Spotlight Stories VR platform.
Prior to his company being acquired by Motorola Mobility, he was president of technology and co-founder of Human Engines Inc, focused on graphics engines and tools for mobile.
Rachid had spent over 20 years creating award-winning rendering and interactive pipelines for games, for every Sony console since the PlayStation, as well as Nintendo and Microsoft game systems, and has held leadership positions at numerous companies including Qualcomm, Ready at Dawn, Midway, and Ubisoft.
Company Presentation
Haiba LLC
Haiba is a technology platform and storytelling lab focused on the next generation of mass-market entertainment.
Founded by industry veterans from games, mobile, XR and film backgrounds, we build technologies and tools that aim to transform immersive interactive storytelling from a technical challenge to a creative endeavor.