RealTime Community BackOffice

RealTime Economics Summit 2023  :

1.  List of Attendees.  This allows for getting a list based on their status.  :  Click here

2. You can search for a RTES 2023 Attendee and get more detailed information:  Click here

Stage 1: On application submission (Website form)

There is an email notification with the following:

  From: Website “RealTime Community <>”
To:  Website Admin (AR), BB
Subj  :  New RTES 2023 attendee application for <first name> <last name>

Action: This needs manual approval.

Stage 2: Manually approve and send an email 

Based on the date of application and send an “Approved to register” email with the following link and coupon code embedded


Date of App Society mem coupon code  Not a Society mem
Super Early Bird Upto March 19    No Coupon code
Early Bird
March 20 to April 23


No Coupon code
Regular          March 24 to May 15   No Coupon code
Free Registration  Use a special link :
Other situation Ask Ajay for a special coupon code

Stage 3: After registration by the attendee

There is an email notification with the following:

a) with or without coupon code

  From: Website “RealTime Community <>”
To:  AR, BB
Subj  :<first name> <last name>  registered for RTES 2023

b) if free registration

  From: Website “RealTime Community <>”
To:  AR, BB, SS
Subj  :<first name> <last name> submitted a free registration form

Stage 4: After payment

There is an email notification with the following:

  From: Website “RealTime Community <>”
To:  RTC_operation
Subj  :Received a RealTime Economics Summit Payment

This can also be confirm on Stripes payment page

RealTime Society :

1.  List of members.  This also allows for getting a list based on their status.  :  Click here

2. You can search for a Society member and get more detailed information:  Click here

Stage 1: On individual member application submission (AirTable form)

There is an email notification with the following:

  From: Airtable using Susan’s email account
To:  AR, JM, SS, BB
Subj  :  New RTS member application for <fname> 


AirTable automatically sends out an email to the applicant with the following


Dear Name,

Thank you so much for your interest in joining the [RealTime Society](!

You have been approved for individual membership and can now proceed to our payment system to pay the annual membership fee: [Click here to pay](

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at 

We look forward to your participation in the RealTime Society.

All the best,

The [RTC]( Team


Stage 2: After payment

There is an email notification with the following:

  From: Website “RealTime Community <>”
To:  RTC_operation
Subj  :Received a RealTime Society Payment

This can also be confirm on Stripes payment page