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Welcome to the RealTime Community!
We are excited to officially welcome you on board as a true pioneer in real-time technologies.
Please read the Terms & Conditions before making payment.
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We are excited to officially welcome you on board as a true pioneer in real-time technologies.
Please read the Terms & Conditions before making payment.
1. RealTime Society (RTS) is an organization founded and run by Hippogryph Productions LLC (HPG), a New York, NY USA based corporation which also runs RealTime Conference (RTC) and RealTime Economic Summit (RTES)
2. Membership in RTS is open to individuals, companies, academic institutions, research institutes, and other organizations active or interested in real-time technology and tools.
3. Matters relating to Membership, or the acceptance and exclusion of companies and organizations referred to in paragraph 2 above, shall be decided by HPG with recommendations provided by the RTS Board of Governors.
4. Excluding Founding Members, Corporate Members shall join RTS at the appropriate membership level based on the number of employees or their status, as per the membership tier shown on the Society’s membership page
5. Member agrees to pay HPG the annual membership fees and the membership period begins on the date of payment. Members may join RTS at any time during the year and pay the annual fees in effect at the time of their joining, for their membership level, for the 12-month period starting at the payment date. Renewal of this Agreement will be for 12-month periods, upon Member’s payment of the then in effect appropriate membership level and fee structure. Membership fees are non-refundable.
6. During the term of this agreement, each Member will act in support of RTS. This includes making prompt payments of fees, and where possible, contributing generally to the achievement of RTS’ goals.
7. RTS Membership shall terminate if:
a) Member voluntarily or involuntarily dissolves; or
b) Member fails to pay fees in a timely manner; or
c) Member is expelled for cause by HPG; or
d) Member submits a notice of resignation in writing to HPG; or
e) HPG implements changes to the Membership Agreement which disqualifies the Member.
8. HPG reserves the right to change the fee structure, shown on Society’s membership page, at any time. Such changes shall be made by written notification to all members and shall apply only to each Member’s next renewal.